毎週金曜日は、1週間の review
👉今週の Lesson 216 〜 Lesson 219 の review time です。
▶︎ Hey, everyone. Welcome back and thanks for joing us. This is Akino Roza.
▶︎ And I’m David Evans. That’s right, everyone. It’s time for Friday’s review.
Here we go!
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 216
Q: What does Mr. Dickens think about Oliver Twist?
-A. It is one of the best classics.
-B. It is an interseting novel.
-C. It likely isn’t the favor of many people.
Tuesday Lesson 217
Q: Which of the following is true?
-A. Kelly thinks Onishi is the greatest pitcher of all time.
-B. Onishi is playing around with his pithcing.
-C. Kelly thinks Onishi is a great baseball player.
Wednesday Lesson 218
Q: What does Brendan want to do?
-A. Turn the time capsule upside down.
-B. Keep the time capsule with him for a while.
-C. Solve the mystery by using his smartphone.
Thursday Lesson 219
Q: What is the relathionship between Masami and Sota?
-A. They are both a couple and business partners.
-B. They are just good friends.
-C. Theye are just business partners.
▶︎ Hey, guys. Actually, my wife doesn’t like me cooking.
▶︎ Why is that?
▶︎ ‘Cause I start cooking by by going to a department store to buy special 鰹節.
Words and Phrases
① play around with 〜
これで、Lesson 220 は 終了。