毎週金曜日は、1週間の review
👉今週の Lesson 126 〜 Lesson 129 の review time です。
▶︎ Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to Friday’s review.
▶︎ And I’m David Evans. All right, everyone. Let’s get to it.
Listening Challenge!
Monday Lesson 126
Q: What did Megan decide to order?
-A. A steak for her and chips for Anton.
-B. A steak for Anton and chips for her.
-C. Two orders of steak and chips.
Tuesday Lesson 127
Q: Which of the following is true?
-A. Derek and Bill were invited to the talk show together.
-B. Derek is willing to be on the talk show.
-C. Bill doesn’t like the talk show.
Wednesday Lesson 128
Q: According to the man, in what century are they?
-A. The 18th century.
-B. The 19th century.
-C. The 20th century.
Thursday Lesson 129
Q: How did Emori-san surprise the woman?
-A. He built a miniature Kinkakuji.
-B. He showed a golden sculpture to her.
-C. He found her credit card in the backyard.
▶︎ Hey, guys. Do you dress well when you have an online meeting?
▶︎ Oh, I mean from the waist up, yeah sure. There’s like an unspoken rule
of online meetings that you don’t ask anyone to stand up.
▶︎ How about you, Roza?
▶︎ I mean I’m usually in my 作務衣(?). So that’s what I wear.
Words and Phrases
① be dressed properly
② contact info
これで、Lesson 130 は終了。